About Us

Who we are?
I-Arch was started as an exclusive Architecture entrance (NATA) coaching centre in Coimbatore, South India by Mr. Ahamed Shahabath.N in 2014. I-Arch offers NATA coaching assuring quality training and promising an excellent career to the students. With the professional approach, I- Arch has attained 100% student qualification & excellent results in NATA, I- Arch started coaching centres at Trichy in 2015. The students from both Coimbatore &Trichy coaching centres came out with flying colours. With the same earnest efforts, I- Arch started a coaching centre at Chennai in 2016. 1200+ students qualified in 2016 from all the three branches. This clearly explains the pertinent training standards of I-Arch.In 2017, I-Arch has started a new branch @ Madurai, Anna Nagar and also opened 2 more branches in Chennai at Tambaram and Guindy. In 2018, I-Arch has started a new branch @ Vellore and also opened 2 more branches in Kerala at Palakkad and Mannarkkad. In 2022, I-Arch has started a new branch @ salem, I-Arch has started a new branch @ Cochin. 2018 has been a challenging year, yet I-Arch has achieved 90% qualification even when the all-over India NATA percentage is just 65%. 3000+ students have qualified for NATA through I-Arch. I- Arch was all out to deliver quality training with experiential learning in the architectural drawings to the students to confidently appear and succeed in the 2019 NATA. I Arch is India’s No:1 NATA/ JEE B.Arch Coaching Centre topping NATA for the past 5years continuously with our own branches.
With this kind of history, I-Arch has started venturing into the other areas of coaching in Architecture. I-Arch also extends professional coaching for JEE B.Arch. Apart from that, for the NATA/JEE (B.ARCH) qualifiers and the students pursuing Architecture I-Arch provides ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING CLASSES to enhance their Architectural Drawing skills. I-Arch School of Designs offers ARCHITECTURE SOFTWARE to enhance the skills of the pursuing B.Arch students in the contemporary softwares enabling them to succeed in their career. Exhaustive ONLINE STUDY MATERIALS (NATA & JEE B.Arch) are available only at I-Arch. I-Arch also provides ART CLASS for people of all age groups.

Vision & Mission
In 2020. having achieved the vision of 2014 to be the best coaching centre in India, I-Arch extends its vision to increase the number of students & offer quality coaching so as to maintain our position as the best Architectural coaching centre in India. We are all set to place our students in the Top Architectural Colleges with our earnest efforts in excellent coaching and this is our vision and mission. We seek your continued support & blessings to achieve our Mission.
Coaching Methodology
I-Arch has a unique methodology in NATA Coaching. We get the students in to the minute details of professionalism – our touch starts right from handling a pencil to sketching a perspective drawing perfectly. We have in our team dedicated and experienced individual staff members to handle all the 4 subjects. Drawing is handled by experienced artist and we have a professional architect forArchitectural Aptitude, HR for General Aptitude and a well qualified Maths staff forMaths. We have our own meticulously prepared study material updated to match the changes in syllabus every year. Apart from the regular subjects, we train the students in extracurricular activities like Face Painting, Pot Painting, Bamboo Painting, Tyre Painting etc.,This kind of extra efforts give them the confidence and help them get away easily with the sway of art. Apart from Coaching, we render proper guidance to them until their admission in the desired Colleges. The main highlights include Individual Attention, more Practical Sessions, Absentees class coaching, Model exams, Free AndroidmobileApp, Silhouette drawing etc.,
Core Values
I-Arch has deep rooted Core values right from the inception.
The team is dedicated and we always concentrate on our vision and heading towards our vision has always been our mission
We always have a plan of action in place that will give excellent results
We also analyze our plan of action frequently to identify flaws and to implement corrective measures.
These core values have been the inspiration to top NATA right from the first year and to achieve our vision of All India Topper in 2024.
Come what may, we do not compromise on quality education and professionalism.
Our Achievements
I-Arch is the only coaching center covering full syllabus of all the 6 subjects
4000 students have qualified in 7 year
Nata top score of I-Arch is 180.5/200
I-Arch has been giving Tamilnadu & all India toppers every year for the past 7 years
100+ Students scored 145, 130+ Students scored 125, 200+ Students scored 100
Top Scores: Cognitive Skill - 125/125, Aptitude - 61.5/75
I-Arch Average Pass % is 100 from 2014 to 2020
I-Archians are placed in Top Architectural Colleges every year
Considering The Average From 2014 To 2024, the overall Pass Percentage is 100%
Till date, 10000+ Successful Students Have Qualified In The Last 11 Years
I-Arch Is The Only Coaching Centre In India For NATA/JEE(B.ARCH)Covering The Entire Syllabus With The Respective Staffs For All The 6 Subjects
I-Arch Is The Only Coaching Centre Giving Tamil Nadu and All India Toppers Continuously For The Last 11 years. I-Archians Have Been Placed In Top Architectural Colleges in all the years.
Over All 572/573 I-Archians Qualified In NATA 2024
First Mark In India
Our Nata Highest Mark IS 180.5/200 & JEE (B.ARCH) Highest Mark Is 99.93
100% of the students have qualified in NATA 2024 From I-Arch when the overall percentage for NATA 2024 in India is 52%.
JEE (B.Arch) Highest Mark Is 99.85% & All India Rank 6th , Tamilnadu Rank :1st
I-Arch Has Bee Awarded As “ India’s No:1 Nata Coaching Centre” By Asian Excellence Awards 2022 & Indian Shiksha Awards 2022
100 + students scored 145 and above, 130+ students scored 160 and 200+ students scored 100 and above.
I-Arch has been awarded as “India’s No:1 NATA Coaching Centre” by Asian Excellence Awards 2022
01First check the experience by number of yearsI-Arch is 10 years old.
02Check how many students got passed out?More than 10000 + students qualified for NATA from I-Arch in the past 10 years.
03Check the previous year results of the coaching centre & Students placed and achievements.Considering the average in I-Arch from 2014 to 2023 the pass percentage is 100%. 1st mark in India. Throughout India, I-Arch students are placed in all the colleges and so we can help you to identify the best college.
04Check the staffs and book materials qualityI-Arch is the only coaching centre in India for NATA / JEE (B.Arch) covering the entire syllabus with the respective staffs for all the 7 subjects / I-Arch provides the Right Study Material/ Sketch Material/ HD DVD/ Mobile App Access to practice online test.
05What Extra apart from Syllabus?Free Outdoor Sketching making your Drawing skills sharper / Free Architecture College Visit/ Free Workshops and Guidance, Alumni Interaction.
06Guidance & College AdmissionsI-Arch will always try & push students 100% in Government quota.
07Check the infrastructureI-Arch has 5 branches, all 4 are permanent offices, permanent place with people to guide you throughout all 365 days, Architecture relevant, A/C and smart class room for more convenience.
08Check out the Fee StructureThe fees you pay in I-Arch will help you get quality coaching and good marks that will help you to join in the government quota and so your money is saved.
Choose I-Arch And Take A Smart Decision
Why I-Arch?? & Our Journey

Study & Sketch Materials
I-Arch has done extensive research to find the appropriate materials & the proper methods so as to impart the best coaching for the NATA/JEE (B.ARCH) examinations. The study materials are separately designed for NATA & JEE Paper 2 based on the syllabus by experts. NATA Books include a separate NATA guide, collection of Old question papers,HD DVD, Mobile App, Maths textbook, Sketch Note, Colour Pencils, Sharpeners, Eraser & Scale. JEE books include an exclusive Maths book, 15 years old question paper collection, A-Z Drawing Materials are provided by I-Arch. The classrooms are equipped with the latest technology and are fully air-conditioned. Year after year, the study materials are created according to the upcoming syllabus by experts. I-Arch has 4 different professional & expert staff for all the 4 subjects unlike any other NATA/JEE (B.ARCH) coaching centre. I-Arch also provides the students with an app to practice online for the 120 marks aptitude test. Complete study materials and sketch materials are provided by I-Arch. Hostel facilities are also offered to students. Headed by Mr. Ahamed Shahabath.N, the professional team equipped with the contemporary training methods help the students to reach newer heights.
Come on Students
Are you dreaming of becoming a NATA/JEE topper???
Do you want to be a part of this success story???
Call us & we will assist you throughout your way towards ARCHITECTURE
@ I-Arch align the sentence
Meet Our Team
Director’s Message

Abuthahir N
Architecture is a booming industry but only with passion and great interest, students can achieve it. We create the passion and interest towards architecture among students by making them understand that architecture is not to learn theoretically but to learn things practically. We give them more practical exposure and train students with professions on the specific field. It’s been more than 7 years since I-Arch started its Nata training. In these years we have not only trained students for nata but also we gave them the basics of architecture and the best college, that’s why still students are in touch with us. We work as a team that’s how we can give the students and parents better coaching and complete guidance. Our faculties and staff are our strength.
Founder Message

Ahamed Shahabath N
Hi, Budding Architects, “Even the World Wonder TAJ MAHAL was just a pile of stones once, and then only it turned out to be a Wonder”. Soon we can also create wonders & landmarks. The learning experience in I-Arch will be remembered for all your life. I promise that the students from I-Arch will always be delighted & motivated & sure enough will cherish the coaching methodologies and the enhancements that I-Arch has brought into their life . I-Arch has initiated sessions both on and off campus featuring influential speakers from the Architectural industry. These sessions have been beneficial to the students & have attracted more students from the referrals of the previous students.
Academic Head Message

Bharath E
Architecture isn’t inventing, it’s just the transformation of existing reality. We aim for the wow factor transformation with our students. I’m a strong believer of saying ‘Everyone is an achiever, for which we strive not to wait for our students to be successful, instead we walk them through the successful path”
Associate Director Message

Yasar Arafath M
Dear Students!
Are you breaking your heads trying to make a wise choice?Well, Architecture is a noble profession. Because, Years pass with trends. But, the “Wow’s” for the Building never stops. Though, Construction is a one time process, the fame it brings you is a lifetime celebration. I-arch is here to help you to explore about Architecture and your Passion of Creating. Your experience in I-arch will be a ton of fun! We allow you to constantly make and product things, sketches, drawings, models, painting, on and off campus, etc,. The intensity of the I-Arch Nata Coaching Center helps you get very clear knowledge and discover what you should be doing in Architecture Schools and we give you complete guidance. We, I-Arch team feel cheerful to offer you Success in terms of training.